like a little bean

the fuel kids' photoblog


7 Responses to “”

  1. # Blogger Joe Fuel

    translation: "i'm about to give you quite a present... in my pants."  

  2. # Blogger r.fuel

    Haha... Joe, I love it!  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    It is more blessed to give than to receive.  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    well said pops. i'm the one who always gets to recieve her little presents. let me tell you...those are some gifts i don't enjoy unwrapping.  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    learn to love those little packages. they have little messages in them. "Mom, I'm feeling good. I'm eating right." "Mom, I don't feel so good today. Can you help me?" "Mom, I ate something that didn't agree with me." They are wonderful little notes from the backside. (You've heard of the darkside. Well, this is a little different, but it can be dark.)  

  6. # Blogger Joe Fuel

    that is the most disgusting thing i've heard today.  

  7. # Anonymous Anonymous

    some days there's no packages, which usually means "mom, prepare yourself, i will soon explode"  

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