like a little bean

the fuel kids' photoblog

but not the apples

5 Responses to “sharing a moment”

  1. # Blogger Joe Fuel

    poor Ethne, no teeth to chew the apples with. But don't worry, kid, I hear they're overrated. Of course, that could just be your grumpy old uncle still a bit bitter because he can't eat apples anymore.

    Another piece of advice, kiddo, don't go breaking six of your teeth. Ever. Not exactly fun...  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    there is a definite contrast in hairstyle choices. do you think that's because Ben is a boy and Ethne is a girl.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    by the way, is she just sitting there?  

  4. # Blogger r.fuel

    Smoke and mirrors, Pop. Smoke and mirrors.  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    the difference in hairstyles is because she's a skinhead, not cause she's a girl  

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