like a little bean

the fuel kids' photoblog

"ooh, this is nice... is this cotton?"

5 Responses to “”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    ouch! someone got dissed.  

  2. # Blogger r.fuel

    I don't get it, Pop...  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    sounds like you are commenting on flabby arms
    but I don't know who because the photo is too dark on my screen  

  4. # Blogger r.fuel

    In the picture, Ethne's resting on Aimee's shoulder, rubbing her face on Aimee's t-shirt. That's what the comment is about. And the arms are not flabby. The wide angle lens just makes them look wider than reality because of their proximity to the lens.  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    You are entirely correct. Those arms are NOT flabby. I must have been drinking.  

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